1) OATS >> If you eat oats/porridge then rinse them for a second then soak for 20+ mins before cooking. Or for overnight-oats rinse then make up your creation.
2) DIGESTION >> If you have any digestive upset then there are many dietary or lifestyle (stress / training) change that could literally transform your digestive experience. Find and remove your intolerances (for now), enjoy training/movement that is supportive short AND long term, speak with a gut specialist if you're experiencing symptoms, it could be the best thing you ever do!
2b) DIGESTING LIFE >> Are you digesting life? This might sound like an odd question though maybe sit with it for a moment... Embracing the nourishing moments, people and experiences. Eliminating those habits/things that are not serving you? And if you delve a little more deeply, are you able to digest the the life you're living...? More on this soon.
3) SEASONS >> Here we are heading into a seasonal change, can you get out ahead of it by changing with the seasons, what will you body and soul be wanting more or less of?
3b) SEASONS OF LIFE >> What season are YOU in in your life? Reaping the rewards and in flow? Sitting still in your winter, reserving and recouping energy? Waking up and rising into your spring? Pay attention, it can serve you and those around you wonders...
4) FUNCTIONAL MUSHROOMS >> Maybe it's immune support, focus or stamina and energy, the world of mushrooms has been one of the most magnificent discoveries for me. 7+ years with them now, life is forever enhanced...
5) ORGANIC TEA / COFFEE >> This is one of the simplest upgrades to make - reduce the amount of agrochemicals your physical being (yes including your organs) are exposed to by choosing organic tea and coffee.