We (I'm a drummer too) rely heavily on fine motor skills and quick reflexes, supporting nerve health by drinking Lion’s Mane mushroom can improve dexterity and reduce the risk of nerve-related injuries, keeping us playing better for longer (all of this lifetime).
I love it drumming. I love every aspect of it, EVEN the frustration of not knowing how to play a beat, looking at it or listening to it, working through it, making the mistakes and then finally getting it "right", THEN once right, allowing the drum beat and coordination needed in order to play that beat settle itself within my neural pathways n my brain and body.
My Experience with Mushrooms and Drumming
I've personally been drinking mushrooms and mushroom extracts since around 2013 (11+ years at the date of writing this). Have I noticed a difference? OH YEAH!
Aside form the immune support and hardly experiencing even a cold in those 11 years, I will share on my personal experience as a drummer with Lion’s Mane mushroom.
What is Lions Mane Mushroom?
Lion’s Mane mushroom is a medicinal fungus known for its distinctive shaggy appearance and potential cognitive and nerve-supporting benefits. The extract of lions mane is often used to boost brain health, memory, and focus. The chunky mushroom it's has some great benefits and tastes awesome, though the stuff that positively affects the brain is more available through extracts where 10kg of the dried mushroom is extracted down to 1kg of the extract. Water and alcohol are used in the extraction though not present in the final lions mane powder.
Lion's Mane mushroom and drumming?
We're all different right. Different physical bodies, stress levels, playing styles and abilities, though there are ways in which lions mane powder may support your playing.
Improved Coordination and Patience
I've personally noticed that I have more "time and space" inside my head when playing and I'm able to more calmly work through sticking points, you know when a certain movement or coordination wont quite happen or settle, I've noticed its easier and I have more patience allowing the pathways to be created.
Better Memory and Song Recall
I also find it much easier remembering parts to songs, it's like they beats I've been playing seems to be more accessible and clearer in my mind and so easier to "access" them on demand.
What does the science say about Lions Mane and the brain?
Enhanced Cognitive Function.
I've experienced it and received messages from ENRICHD customers for years now. Lion’s Mane mushroom is known for its ability to support brain health, particularly in improving memory, focus, and mental clarity. One customer even gave Lion's Mane to her mum who'd forgotten her children's names through an illness and then remembered them!
As we know as drummers, drumming requires significant coordination, timing, and concentration, so the cognitive boost from lions mane powder could be really beneficial for practice and gigs. The studies suggest that Lion's Mane mushroom can have beneficial effects on cognitive function, nerve health, and energy levels too.
What else is Lion's Mane mushroom doing for us and how can it help our playing?
Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) Production: Lion's Mane has been shown to stimulate the production of Nerve Growth Factor, a protein that plays a crucial role in the maintenance and regeneration of nerve cells. For drummers, who rely heavily on fine motor skills and quick reflexes, supporting nerve health can improve dexterity and reduce the risk of nerve-related injuries. Yes please.
Reduced Anxiety and Stress: Performing or practicing can be mentally taxing. I'm at a level of playing now where I know the songs, and trust in my ability and the work I've put in, though when stepping on to the stage my focus and internal dialogue is "relax enough to be able to play as freely and openly as I can when practicing on my own. Lions mane powder is helping me achieve this. It has potential anti-anxiety and mood-boosting properties, which could help us manage stress and maintain a calm, focused state of mind, helping us express more of our personality in the playing - while playing for the band and song too of course!
Increased Energy Levels: Some Lion's Mane drinkers notice a subtle increase in energy and stamina when taking Lion's Mane, which could help us sustain our energy during long rehearsals or performances. I can't say I've personally experienced this though people do report this when drinking our Lion's Mane.
Why Drummers Should Try Lion's Mane
In short, it makes sense to try Lion’s Mane mushroom as a drummer. Thousands of years use through Traditional Chinese Medicine, decades of studies and I've personally experienced it and received loads of messages and reviews at about the cognitive and nerve-supporting benefits of Lion's Mane.