Do you want to prolong your life or live well longer?
I thought you might like to be inspired and perhaps act on some of of my favourite empowering quotes on health and longevity.
What's important is living long and healthy, rather than merely prolonging life and these 5 quotes present quite different approaches to your health than those most of us already know.
You might notice I'm not quoting the mainstream health influencers. In a time where the loudest voice/well paid ads reach the most people, I believe it's more important than ever to filter out influencers with "mania and money" and be highly selective.
So, here are my top favourite quotes on health and longevity:
"Food is much more than just numbers; it becomes part of the human body. It builds enzymes, triggers the production and release of hormones, affects cellular function, AND it is information for your DNA."
Your Invisible Shield, Jefferson DePeron
"To fully thrive, we must not only eliminate the stressors but also actively seek joyful, loving, fulfilling lives that stimulate growth processes."
Dr Bruce Lipton
"Chinese Medicine is a possible alternative approach to disease, that does not treat the illness as an enemy and therefore does not create new diseases."
Eckhart Tolle in his book A New Earth (Paraphrased)
"What we've found in researching and studying many facets of heart coherence is that we can in fact regulate our internal states, independent of the conditions in our external environment"
Dr Joe Dispenza
"Eat to live or eat to die"
Dr Sebi
Of course, we can also be inspired by high energy people at the top of our social media "feeds" but remember - we are all in different seasons of life: age, environment, happiness levels, stressors, location etc...
The proponent of HIIT might be rocking it, but do you need it?
They might be all-in on the latest fad diet, but what about next year, 5 years, 10 years time?
The gadget junkies, monitoring and controlling every aspect of their existence - is that healthy or perhaps an extension of an imbalance?
Be selective, know thyself. Thank you so much for being here.