News — basic meditation

Richard Enion
Try not to....

Try not to....

We're often reminded to "be present", yes. And it's good to remember to differentiate between being present and being stuck in tasks and duties of the present.  Try not to be so busy with the routine of the present that you forget to create your future... With love,  Rich (Inspired by Jim Rohn.)

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medicinal mushrooms, mushroom powder, mushroom coffee, dual extract

Medicinal Mushrooms 🍄 the Basics and our Very Specific Sourcing

GENERAL MUSHROOM TIPS 1) All go well in coffee, hot choc and can be drank on their own. 2) Make sure you don't put wet or damp spoons in them. (You’d be amazed at how many people think that a damp spoon in a dry powder is a good idea). 3) Mixing is best in hot liquid before adding choice of milk. 4) Ideally in a hot/warm liquid for absorption but can be added to smoothies. 5) Dual extract means both water and alcohol extraction has been applied to acquire the most and most of the active compounds from the mushroom....

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7 Minute Meditation to Calm your Mind and Nervous System

This is a short and effective meditation I learned when I was on the first Vipassana (10 day silent meditation experience). It's a beautiful calming meditation...

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