Why are Sustainable Superfoods important?
The sustainability of superfoods is complex depending on a variety of factors, including the production and consumption practices, the type of superfood and the impact on the environment. Most ‘superfoods’ come from developing or third world countries and there is always the risk of exploitation of local people alongside the depletion of natural resources.
Certain products have long life cycle with trees or bushes needing to grow years before harvest and requiring unique environmental ecosystems that sadly the modern world is eroding. That said there are business including ENRICHD that work with local producers on the ground to responsibly source and harvest products.
Product Quality
Source tracing and ethical commercial practices should be high up the check list when purchasing all products especially non-native. A reputable and trusted brand will always have full traceability. This is important from an ethic standpoint but also the quality of your product. Heavy mental contaminants, non-organic matter, polluted water and miss management of harvesting can cause a degradation of product in taste and efficacy. Cheap ‘ superfoods’ are to be avoided or well researched into the production methods as these types of products; Medicinal mushrooms, cacao, shilajit etc expensive to produce, test and import and are worth a premium price.
What makes mushrooms a Sustainable Superfood?
Low environmental impact
Water Required is a Fraction Compared to Other Foods. Studies have calculated that the overall water footprint per pound of mushrooms is 1.8 gallons. This includes watering, precipitation and water embedded in the composting ingredients for classic edible mushrooms. This is a fraction of water required for many other foods.
Less space required
Each year, growers are able to produce millions of pounds of mushrooms on just a few acres of land. In addition, the soil used to produce mushrooms is made of composted materials. After mushrooms are harvested, the soil is recycled for multiple uses, including potting soil.
Innovation in Urban /small scale Farming
Mushrooms require less space to grow and have a shorter grow cycle enabling crops to be grown multiple times through any season. Shipping containers, basements and mobile units have been converted to grow edible and medicinal mushrooms all over the world.
Myco-remediation to diversify habitats
Wild crafting mushrooms can help diversify habitats . Fungi is also being used to break down contaminates in polluted areas – although these are obviously not for human consumption. Medicinal mushrooms whether they are wild harvested or grown in their natural environments do not require intensive farming methods.
Nutritional Benefits of Mushrooms
Fungi and their non-toxic, flexible formats (fresh, tinctures, extracts and finished products) are a great way to integrate healthier, good for you products into everyday ceremony. What we eat and drink on a daily basis is an easy and enjoyable way to help manage our health by incorporating densely nutritious and medicinally beneficial food groups into our daily diets.
Benefits for overall health and well-being
Mushrooms are a powerful source of ergothioneine, a vital amino acid and powerful antioxidant. Many culinary and medicinal mushrooms such as Shiitake, Oyster and Maitake have higher than average levels. However the broad spectrum of base minerals and amino acids in all mushrooms, including more basic button mushrooms has shown to lower risks of high blood pressure, tumour developments and metastasising.
Medicinal Mushrooms carry many of the dense nutritious benefits of usual mushrooms like selenium and Vitamin D but they also contain adaptogenic compounds that help keep our body in a natural state of balance. Studies suggest they have far reaching benefits such as supporting the immune system, hormone regulation and cognitive function.
Rich source of vitamins and minerals
Mushrooms contain macronutrients and many essential minerals that support a healthy immune system such as iron, phosphor, copper, potassium and selenium. Heavy hitters include; Selenium, which helps your body make antioxidant enzymes to prevent cell damage. Potassium, an important mineral that aids in the maintenance of fluid, which helps to control blood pressure. Phosphorus, in combination with calcium, forms the structure of our teeth and bones.
High in Fibre
High fibre – LOVE your gut - 75% of the immune system is housed in our gut along with 80% of our neurotransmitters including 90% of serotonin our “feel good” hormone. Mushrooms contain high fibre throughout and especially in their complex cell walls. These help the gut and contain prebiotics.
Dysbiosis (gut infections) in the GI tract cause inflammatory cytokines (immune cells) to trigger cortisol which suppresses the immune system. A suppressed immune system allows infection and inflammation grow, allowing more and more chronically high cortisol to circulate. This leads to a broken feedback loop not only for adrenal hormones but all other sex hormones, thyroid hormones, and hunger hormones like insulin and leptin. Excess cortisol increases blood sugar, decreases bone formations, metabolises fats and surprises appetite - basically getting your body ready to take action!
The prebiotic effects of mushrooms contribute to their protective and immunomodulating components. The polysaccharide a-glucan components that exist within all mushrooms are unable to be digested and broken apart via our digestive enzymes and thus, act as prebiotics. The Turkey Tail mushroom uk contains perfect prebiotics that assist the microbiome. This means that it can help the growth of the good bacteria in the body, including Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium, which is even more beneficial for anyone suffering from leaky gut syndrome.
High in antioxidants
Antioxidants are molecules that fight cell damage by neutralising free radicals, which can otherwise contribute to disease and aging.
Chaga Mushroom is full of antioxidants such a triterpenes, polyphenols, and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). The concentration of antioxidants, as well as the diverse types of antioxidants makes Chaga mushrooms a great natural support in overall health. Agarics praised for its high nutritional content including protein, fibre, vitamins including B, potassium and phosphorus. It contains various bioactive compounds, including polysaccharides & beta-glucans believed to have immune supporting properties.
Incorporating Mushrooms into Your Diet
The Beta glucans in mushrooms are key to helping to strengthen our immunity and defence response. The fibrous nature of mushrooms also provides natural pre biotics to support a healthy gut microbiome. This all in turn, helps our bodies to stay at their best. Integrating all kinds of fungi into our daily routines is the best way to build up a compound resistance and see positive effects.
They make delicious culinary ingredients in stir fry’s, stews and soups but also in extract format, into drinks. For medicinal mushrooms, it is important to note the flavour profiles are very different to most culinary mushrooms. Earthy, nutty, bitter, sweet their delicate umami profiles blend well into drinks. The warming comforting routines of drinking a hot drink can be extended and incorporated int your daily mushroom routine. In tea or coffee or blended with other superfoods in indulgent hot chocolate like our Angelic Rose.
Potential Side Effects and Precautions
In general, Enrichd Mushrooms are well-tolerated by most individuals. However, some people may be sensitive or allergic to certain mushroom varieties. It's recommended to start with small servings and observe how your body responds. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional.
As mentioned before we all have different bodies that respond differently to treatments. Finding the right superfoods and fungi to help our bodies stay operating at their best is suitable for most people. That said, you should always consult a trained naturopath, TCM practitioner or functional health professional if taking large doses of any medicinal plant or fungi to treat a specific issue. If you pregnant, breastfeeding or taking any prescribed medicines it is also wise to check with your health care professional before incorporating new ingredients into your diet.
Choosing Quality Mushroom Products
Why Buy from Enrichd - Quality and purity of Enrichd products
Source is extremely important, to ensure the mushrooms have been cultivated in a toxic free environment. This means grown on organic substrate and or harvested from a trusted area. It is best to purchase extracts made only from the fruiting body as mycelial biomass can be contaminated with growing substrate such as oats and grains bulking out the powder and reducing the levels of bio active compounds.
Always buy direct from the company (rather than amazon or a third party market place) to ensure no counterfeit products, Asia is the biggest and oldest cultivator of mushrooms and counterfeit products can be an issue. Co2 extraction is one of the cleanest methods of extraction an ideally a duel extract should be used to bring out compounds across the spectrum.
We work with trusted growers and partners that uphold the highest standards of growing, process and farmers rights along with all products undergo rigorous testing to ensure they are free from contaminants and harmful substances. Our commitment to sustainable sourcing and ethical production practices ensures that you are supporting a company that cares about the environment and social responsibility. We have some incredible reviews from long standing customers that use our products daily to help maintain health and wellbeing.
Summary of the key points
- Mushrooms have a lower environmental impact than more traditional high yield farming crops.
- Mushrooms broad range of minerals, vitamins and amino acids and high fibre in all mushroom varietals make them an ideal food to consume daily.
- Multiple formats and flavours make it interesting and delicious too!
- Medicinal mushrooms are packed with powerful antioxidants and adaptogens.
- Mushroom prebiotics contribute to a healthy gut microbiome.
- Choose trusted brands with traceable sourcing – this is key to protect ecosystems and environment, whilst getting the best quality products.