News — enrichd lions mane

Distracted? Improve focus with this simple way...

Distracted? Improve focus with this simple way...

When you don't succumb to the distraction you begin to retrain your brain into focus and greater periods of concentration.

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Gratefully Open and Live Tea Experiences Together

Gratefully Open and Live Tea Experiences Together

Hi! :)     To be clear, we are open, gratefully...  Also, if you fancy, join the live teas and meditations on Insta @EnrichdSuperfoods We generally post a note 24 hours before the next live on Instagram.   A few moments of mindfulness every day or so to be still...    Warmest wishes,   Rich :)

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Which ENRICHD mushroom...? (Reishi? Lion's Mane? Chaga? Cordyceps? Agaricus?)

Which ENRICHD mushroom...? (Reishi? Lion's Mane? Chaga? Cordyceps? Agaricus?)

Firstly, please do check with your healthcare professional before enjoying these... A little quote to bring us into this lovely summary of these super-potent and enjoyable medicinal mushrooms: “Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come...”Victor Hugo   Now, The VERY short version Reishi for calmness and immune support, Lion's Mane for focus/brain function, creativity and gut health, Chaga for immune support, antioxidants, Turkey Tail for immune support (and lots anti-cancer studies), Agaricus for immune support and anti-tunor potential. Ready and keen for more details? Keep reading...   Oh, before the specific benefits and information on these medicinal...

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