Hi! :)
To be clear, we are open, gratefully...
Also, if you fancy, join the live teas and meditations on Insta @EnrichdSuperfoods
We generally post a note 24 hours before the next live on Instagram.
A few moments of mindfulness every day or so to be still...
Warmest wishes,
Rich :)
Firstly, please do check with your healthcare professional before enjoying these... A little quote to bring us into this lovely summary of these super-potent and enjoyable medicinal mushrooms: “Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come...”Victor Hugo Now, The VERY short version Reishi for calmness and immune support, Lion's Mane for focus/brain function, creativity and gut health, Chaga for immune support, antioxidants, Turkey Tail for immune support (and lots anti-cancer studies), Agaricus for immune support and anti-tunor potential. Ready and keen for more details? Keep reading... Oh, before the specific benefits and information on these medicinal...