News — enrichd tips

Richard Enion
😝 Tongue💡 Brain and Gut...?

😝 Tongue💡 Brain and Gut...?

I love to remember and explore the thought that when food or beverages touch the tongue (even before), a sequence of events are set in motion. Digestive enzymes are released, the organs are "prepared" to take part in the digestive process, the stomach is getting ready... when you actually think about it, the communication within is magnificent - miraculous even! The body gets ready for raw materials to build, repair, support specific parts and functions within the body. Protein, antioxidants, anti inflammatory compounds, immune support - the body sees and gets on with the job! It's innate. I like to...

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Richard Enion
ENRICHD tips that might make life even better very quickly...

ENRICHD tips that might make life even better very quickly...

1) OATS >> If you eat oats/porridge then rinse them for a second then soak for 20+ mins before cooking. Or for overnight-oats rinse then make up your creation.  2) DIGESTION >> If you have any digestive upset then there are many dietary or lifestyle (stress / training) change that could literally transform your digestive experience. Find and remove your intolerances (for now), enjoy training/movement that is supportive short AND long term, speak with a gut specialist if you're experiencing symptoms, it could be the best thing you ever do! 2b) DIGESTING LIFE >> Are you digesting life? This might sound like an...

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Richard Enion
The Best Health Tip Ever?

The Best Health Tip Ever?

Possibly the best and finniest health tip ever, especially when read out loud..."Stand on the floor"I got so excited while doing some immune support and anti-inflammatory research for recent ENRICHD immune mushroom powders email. Such a simple and actually well studied practice - standing barefoot on the floor which is known as grounding.Explored benefits:- Immune Support- Anti-inflammatory- Wound Healing- Better Sleep- Support auto-immune healing"Earthing (or grounding) refers to the discovery of benefits—including better sleep and reduced pain—from walking barefoot outside or sitting, working, or sleeping indoors connected to conductive systems that transfer the Earth's electrons from the ground into the...

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